

How to invoke a procedure

You invoke a procedure by calling an endpoint subordinate to the /invocations endpoint. So for instance to call the Pack procedure, you should call this endpoint:

You should pass a x-api-key and an access token. This is described in the REST API section of this document.

Each procedure takes a parameter object. You should pass this object in the request body as JSON.

Each procedure returns a result object. This object is passed to you in the response body as JSON.


Our Postman documentation contains example calls for all the procedures mentioned below. You can find it here.



Invoke this procedure to pack designated items.


Invoke this procedure to receive items.

Receive returned

Invoke this procedure to receive returned items.

Count item lot

Invoke this procedure to do a count of an item lot.

Create delivery note

Invoke this procedure to create a delivery note for a shipment that you have finished packing.

Create goods receipt

Invoke this procedure to create a goods receipt for a shipment that you have finished receiving.

Create return receipt

Invoke this procedure to create a return receipt for a return shipment that you have finished receiving.

Create adjustment list

Invoke this procedure to create a goods receipt for a shipment that you have finished receiving.